Monday, 23 April 2012

Sexy accents, dirty texts and midnight phonecalls...

Hey guys,
 so from my title this week my love life sounds like it's actually in existence again doesn't it? haha not entirely true... So it's been quite a week for news: our little friend (emphasis on 'little' friend) President Sarkozy seems to be losing out in the french elections and everyone seems to be having a bit of a laugh at him yet he managed to maintain a rather smug look at all times why is this? Personally i don't think he needs to worry about the jibes at his height or his ineptitude as the country's leader because I recognise what we all should Sarkozy is celebrating his own private victory the jammy bastard! have you seen his wife?! of course he's smug!
The BBC reported more on Vladimir Putin and protests in Russia-my take on putin? he's a self obsessed, insecure little man with a bad case megalomania and severe delusions of grandeur and a heightened sense of self importance. 
Not that politicians closer to home are any better.

 In the UK we have a choice of 3 main political parties 
The Liberal Democrats : vote for these if you hate conflict, confrontation and you have no opinion either way on anything

 Labour : vote for this party at your peril! they are likely to fuck up the economy and bankrupt the country, promise everything to everyone-without delivering and generally mess everyone about. The laws passed by this party are pathetic fox hunting law ring any bells? Vote for this party if you are a northerner with a chip on your shoulder. being a member of this party does have its perks however, mr Livingston decided he is at liberty to perform tax avoidance- apparently running for mayor of London grants immunity
 the final choice

 Conservatives: vote for Mr Cameron if you have common sense or you  went to Eaton too, nah joking aside Dave is good for the UK as is Boris,

 people take the mick out of Boris and Dave but would you really want Milliband representing us? Angela Merkel would eat him for breakfast! not before she'd laughed him out of a conference though... whilst watching Primeminister's  Questions this week Mr milliband reminded me of someone...


So my political babble aside, i looked at my demographic this week and i have a lot of Russian readers/viewers which i like that's lovely so Привет красивым читателей России! lovely to have you reading this, although i warn you my nonsense is probably killing off your brain cells by the minute!

Back to my title, sexy accents i would love to hear your favourite accents, its always weird when people talk about accents, my accent is generally quite British which some people find attractive (Weird). My ex boyfriend was an irish traveller and had a very strong accent often meaning i had no idea what he was saying, leaving me to guess and say yes and no in what i assumed where the right places. personally i think the french accent is very attractive and the bristol accent i loooove so leave me a comment or email me your thoughts.

Dirty texts hmm won't go into that one actually but at last my love life is recovering oh yeah, this girl's hot and the guy texting her knows it (so he bloody should he's not stevie wonder plus if he said i was anything but the result would be fatal)

midnight phonecalls - no i am not a spy. i love my sleep i love my bed and i fucking hate being disturbed grr...
 best friend at 12:00 : hellooo i loooove youu sooooooo much did i ever tell you that?
Me : fuck off your drunk.
hangs up.
next day delights in torturing hungover best mate with every loud noise known to man - don't mess with my sleep bitch! you can wake me up only if:
a) there is any 999 type crisis
b) it's snowing!
c) someone really famous has died

Ask Auntie Allie:

onto my Q & A, again i love my readers you entertain me as always...
 Question one is from a rather lovely fellow called Thomas

Q: Auntie Allie should i diet? my girlfriend says she loves me as i am but i don't want to loose her and my mates take the mick and call me chubster and i 'm lucky to have her anyway because im ginger, i find diets hard to stick to what do i do?

A: stay exactly as you are! never lose weight for anyone other than yourself, if you are happy with your weight then that's it, your girlfriend clearly isn't bothered by your size and beauty isn't skin deep. These so called friends aren't sounding very friendly are they? good friends don't make you  feel insecure, they should be building your confidence not damaging it! As far as ginger hair goes there are lots of attractive ginger people! Prince harry, ed sheeran, tim minchin, newton faulkner need i go on?! have a little confidence in yourself and go and eat a pasty..well maybe not the best suggestion after my previous political rant and the headlines this week- chocolate?
love and hugs 
Auntie Allie xxx

Q: Auntie Allie do you have any music that makes you cry because after i lost someone i can't listen to run by snow patrol why does it make me cry?

A:  Hello Dreanine, 
yes i do i can't listen to U2 with or without you because i cry. if we give music or a particular place or book an emotional meaning especially linked to someone who is no longer with us it makes us cry because it relates to the emotional link to that person. Its very normal don't worry sweetheart.
Auntie Allie xxx

if you want to ask me a question or suggest a topic for the next blog either leave me a comment or email me at

love and hugs 
Auntie Allie xoxox

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