Hey guys,
so this week has been quite peaceful for me I've been lucky to have the week off and considering i'm writing this from the UK (where it rains incessantly) the weather hasn't been that bad! As with all time off you conjure up metaphorical list of all of the wonderful things that you will suddenly be organized enough to do for example: walking the dog (who you have never walked before), various household jobs and of course revision! I'm not gonna lie valuable revision time has been more than a little wasted my German exam prep consisted of watching back to back Inbetweeners series 1 ,2 & 3.
My peaceful and lovely hello to you all aside that doesn't mean there hasn't been any drama!
My mates went away to Berlin on what was supposedly an educational visit to perhaps engage in the history and the rich tapestry of German culture did this happen?... Hell no! unfortunately I must sympathize entirely with the staff travelling with them as persistent texting and a combination of made up words and the poor diction with which they choose to converse with each other must have been rather grating. Yet I still admit to being friends with these loud, idiotic teenage boys. I must be mad. I'm only joking of course i love them all to bits even if often, they appear- to the untrained eye to look like a bunch of muppets. The problem with being best friends with teenage boys is they have little or no common sense, they take all rumours as gospel and most of their "Brilliant ideas" begin with a nagging thought that goes something along the lines of - screw it, it'll be funny.
My holidays are generally pretty boring to be honest aside from mates going in to meltdown, getting into mischief and just ordinary stuff. i'll be honest usually i'm quite obsessive with my appearance but last week i was quite happy to be hiding behind a computer screen i looked suitably awful- my nails needed to be done, my roots were coming through and i had gone pale! so my hair has been restored to its amazing redness, got my tan done yesterday so nice and brown/orangeish at the moment and nails all sorted so am no longer feeling like a minger!
Several People have suggested some questions for this weeks blog which is great, so i'll move on to them now. You may have noticed that the title is Allie HELP! Does he love me? and that my lovely people brings me to our first question from LadyinPink :
Q: Auntie Allie please help me my boyfriend and i have been together just over 2 years and I worry that he says he loves me when he doesn't, also i think he might be sleeping with another girl! what do i do?
LadyinPink x
Hello LadyinPink,
thank you very much for your question, you are very brave to put a question like that out there (even if your identity is hidden by your pseudonym!). Okay first things first darling, the basic values of respect and trust seem to have gone out of the window here and without these as the foundation for your relationship you two are setting yourselves up for disaster. If you are finding yourself checking his messages every time he leaves the room or thinking that he's seeing someone every time he goes out without you that is not a healthy relationship, however if he is sleeping with another girl then you must terminate this relationship asap! no guy is worth that much of your time and emotion and cheating shows not only a blatant disregard for the other person but a longing for a different type of relationship. In a lot of cases where cheating ends a relationship it is often a blessing in disguise and allows the individuals to realise that they are not right for each other and meet people they really do like. Honey i honestly believe from reading your message that no he doesn't love you, if he is acting in a way that makes you feel worthless or suspicious or down a lot then he doesn't love you - if he did why would he act in this way? set yourself free and find someone that appreciates you and makes you feel appreciated, but before you do anything you MUST communicate your feelings to him and have a conversation with each other this will be an opportunity for each of you to air your issues if you still decide to call it quits fine but you really should talk first,
fingers crossed for you
Auntie Allie x
Our second question is best placed for Jeremy Kyle but hey who says i'm not as good as him huh? joking i love Jeremy Kyle. So onto our second question, received via email oh the excitement :
Q: Hi Allie i like this girl but she's from a mahoosive family and a certain ethnic minority that prevents us from dating her brothers want to kill me and without being stereotypical i'll hint at the minority, think of thieves and drive tarmacers!!! i stand no chance everyone thinks i have a death wish trying to see her but i like her so what do i do?
Quite simply admit defeat. Normally i would say make like romeo and Juliet and true love will out but if this girl is from a gypsy family it is probably not best for either of you to try and sustain any type of relationship under this pressure. I understand how insular gypsies can be and how protective they are of their women, that said they are a very respectful traditional and welcoming people that love a good time and laugh however you can understand their secretive nature when most people persecute them. Gypsies don't like mixed marriages and dating a gorja (you-non gypsy) will damage her reputation within her community, you may find it ridiculous but for her that's her reality and her life and she is clearly aware of the consequences hence she is avoiding you. As an extra heads up never as a gorja start a fight with a gypsy - you don't just fight the one you fight 20!
good luck, there's someone out there for you
Auntie Allie x
My final question was from someone who i can only describe as severely lost and in need of human affection or from a genuinely curious person with i have to say really low intellect:
Q: Is bestiality still illegal? or have the coalition changed it?
A: IT IS ABSOLUTELY ILLEGAL, it's a mystery really isn't it what with the European debt crisis, our own recession, the trouble in the middle east and the war we're currently fighting that David Cameron hasn't thought of reviewing that law...
Auntie Allie x
P.S. Please promise me you'll never work in a zoo.
Our second question is best placed for Jeremy Kyle but hey who says i'm not as good as him huh? joking i love Jeremy Kyle. So onto our second question, received via email oh the excitement :
Q: Hi Allie i like this girl but she's from a mahoosive family and a certain ethnic minority that prevents us from dating her brothers want to kill me and without being stereotypical i'll hint at the minority, think of thieves and drive tarmacers!!! i stand no chance everyone thinks i have a death wish trying to see her but i like her so what do i do?
Quite simply admit defeat. Normally i would say make like romeo and Juliet and true love will out but if this girl is from a gypsy family it is probably not best for either of you to try and sustain any type of relationship under this pressure. I understand how insular gypsies can be and how protective they are of their women, that said they are a very respectful traditional and welcoming people that love a good time and laugh however you can understand their secretive nature when most people persecute them. Gypsies don't like mixed marriages and dating a gorja (you-non gypsy) will damage her reputation within her community, you may find it ridiculous but for her that's her reality and her life and she is clearly aware of the consequences hence she is avoiding you. As an extra heads up never as a gorja start a fight with a gypsy - you don't just fight the one you fight 20!
good luck, there's someone out there for you
Auntie Allie x
My final question was from someone who i can only describe as severely lost and in need of human affection or from a genuinely curious person with i have to say really low intellect:
Q: Is bestiality still illegal? or have the coalition changed it?
A: IT IS ABSOLUTELY ILLEGAL, it's a mystery really isn't it what with the European debt crisis, our own recession, the trouble in the middle east and the war we're currently fighting that David Cameron hasn't thought of reviewing that law...
Auntie Allie x
P.S. Please promise me you'll never work in a zoo.
Ooh the tension eh?! In all seriousness if you've ever been cheated on you will know that your boyfriend/girlfriend is absolutely an evil bastard who stole however long of your life...that is until you calm down and let it go! If you have ever been cheated on or you have a problem and you need advice leave a comment below my email is alliebaba96@gmail.com so email me aswell
see you soon love and hugs
Auntie Allie xoxo
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